
Preventing Extremism & Radicalisation Policy

Policy to Support the Prevention of Extremism and Radicalisation (PREVENT)

Reporting Concerns

Any staff member or learner at Rosa who has concerns related to the issues identified in this policy should report them immediately, and no later than the end of the working day, to the Designated Senior Person for Safeguarding (DSP)/Single Point of Contact (SPOC), Sue Halawa.


The current threat of terrorism and extremism in the United Kingdom is significant and can affect vulnerable individuals, including children and young people. This policy outlines a clear framework to address safeguarding concerns for those, particularly young people, who may be susceptible to extremist messages.


  • Radicalisation: The process by which individuals come to support terrorism and extremism, potentially joining terrorist groups.
  • Extremism: Vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, such as democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. This includes calls for violence against members of the armed forces (Prevent Strategy, 2011).

Policy Statement

Rosa is dedicated to creating a secure environment for all clients, ensuring they feel safe and are protected. Safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone within our organisation, regardless of their role or direct contact with learners and customers. Extremist views are not tolerated at Rosa, whether they come from internal sources (customers, staff, associates) or external sources (communities, agencies, individuals).

Clients have the right to safe service delivery environments where they can explore controversial issues safely, facilitated by our staff. Extremism and exposure to extremist materials must be addressed as safeguarding concerns to prevent poor outcomes. Failure to challenge extremist views means failing to protect our customers.

Extremists seek to create division, fear, and mistrust between communities, limiting opportunities for young and vulnerable people. Education is a powerful tool against extremism, providing knowledge, skills, and critical thinking necessary for informed debate. Rosa aims to deliver a broad and balanced curriculum that fosters understanding, tolerance, and respect for diversity.

We recognize that young and vulnerable individuals can be exposed to extremist influences from various sources, including the internet. Any display of discriminatory, prejudiced, or extremist views by customers, staff, partners, suppliers, or others will be challenged and addressed according to our behavior policies and staff Code of Conduct.


  • Staff and Volunteers: Ensure awareness and adherence to this policy.
  • Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): Maintain up-to-date knowledge, attend relevant training, and act on concerns.
  • Senior Management Team: Support the implementation and monitoring of this policy.

Communication and Training

  • All staff will be informed about this policy during induction and have access to it on the Rosa Cloud shared drive.
  • Annual training for staff, partners, and non-executive directors will be conducted, complying with local authority and safeguarding board arrangements.
  • The Designated Safeguarding Manager will attend inter-agency training on extremism and radicalisation every two years.

Recognizing Signs of Concern

Staff should be vigilant for indicators such as:

  • Discussions about exposure to extremist materials or views.
  • Changes in behavior, such as isolation or disengagement.
  • Use of extremist vocabulary or attempts to impose views.
  • Accessing extremist material online.

Responding to Concerns

  • Any concerns should be reported to the DSP/SPOC immediately.
  • Confidentiality will be maintained for the person reporting.
  • Reports will be handled sensitively and with appropriate follow-up actions.

Preventing Extremism through Education

Rosa aims to equip learners with the knowledge and skills to challenge extremist views through a balanced curriculum that promotes critical thinking, respect for diversity, and resilience against radicalisation.

Collaboration with External Agencies

Rosa will collaborate with local partners, authorities, and communities to challenge extremist views and support individuals vulnerable to radicalisation. We will also ensure the suitability of external speakers and partners to avoid contradictory or harmful messages.

Monitoring and Review

The DSL will monitor safeguarding concerns related to extremism and report annually to the Senior Management Team, recommending improvements if necessary. This policy will be reviewed annually by the HR Manager to ensure compliance with legislative requirements and best practices.

Promoting Equality, Diversity, and Community Cohesion

Rosa is committed to guiding learners to understand and value diversity, promoting human rights, and developing skills for participation and responsible action. We aim to prepare learners for life in modern Britain by fostering a sense of belonging, valuing diverse backgrounds, and building strong, positive community relationships.

National Guidance and Strategies

PREVENT is a government strategy aimed at preventing people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism through early intervention. The strategy has three key objectives:

  1. Respond to the ideological challenge of terrorism.
  2. Prevent individuals from being drawn into terrorism.
  3. Work with sectors and institutions where there are risks of radicalisation.

All staff should be aware of the PREVENT agenda and recognize signs of radicalisation to respond appropriately.

By adhering to this policy, Rosa aims to create a safe, inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected, contributing to a more equitable and cohesive society.

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