
Complaint policy

At Rosa, our commitment is to deliver exceptional service. A core part of our charity’s vision and values is to “provide exemplary customer service, listen to our beneficiaries’ needs, and continuously enhance the customer experience.” Collecting timely feedback from beneficiaries is crucial in helping us identify our strengths and areas for improvement to achieve our service aspirations. We, therefore, welcome all forms of feedback, whether it’s satisfaction with our service, suggestions for improvement, or complaints about the service received. Rosa takes all complaints seriously and addresses them promptly to investigate and resolve customers’ concerns, ensuring corrective actions are taken when necessary. We will keep customers informed about the progress and outcome of their complaints and use the experience to continually enhance our service.

Complaints Procedure Overview

To support our dedication to improving service quality, we have adopted a comprehensive complaints policy. This policy outlines procedures for addressing complaints involving staff, external stakeholders, Rosa clients, apprentices, and employers. Internal matters involving staff or contractors will be managed through Rosa’s disciplinary or grievance procedures.

Key Principles of Our Complaints Procedure

  • Informal Resolution: We always seek to resolve complaints informally where possible.
  • Accessibility: Our procedure will be publicized, and Rosa will ensure it is accessible to all.
  • Staff Training: All staff will be informed about this procedure during their induction.
  • Solution-Focused Approach: Senior managers will adopt a solution-focused approach to justified complaints.
  • Impartial Review: All complaints will be subject to an impartial review.
  • Fair Handling: All beneficiaries, staff, and other stakeholders are entitled to have their complaints addressed fairly.

Definition and Handling of Complaints

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction with a particular service or training, whether justified or not. This can include issues such as delays, lack of response, discourtesy, failure to consult, or poor service standards. We also welcome general feedback.

Distinguishing Concerns from Complaints

It’s important to differentiate between concerns and formal complaints. Addressing informal concerns early can prevent them from escalating into formal complaints. Rosa encourages staff to resolve issues on the spot, including apologizing when necessary, to provide a high-quality, transparent, and accessible service.

Approach to Complaints

Rosa aims to provide the best possible service and positive experiences for all beneficiaries. We view complaints as valuable feedback that helps us meet the needs of all beneficiaries and the community. Our comprehensive complaints procedure allows users to express concerns and offers staff opportunities to learn from these complaints.

Policy Coverage

Our complaints policy covers issues related to:

  • Service standards
  • Staff behavior
  • Actions or inactions by Rosa employees or representatives
  • Unfulfilled commitments
  • Dissatisfaction with services provided

Complaint Handling and Resolution

Informal Complaints

Initial concerns should be raised informally with the relevant staff member, such as a Tutor or Curriculum Manager. Staff will make every effort to resolve these concerns promptly.

Formal Complaints

If an informal resolution is not possible, a formal complaint can be submitted using the center complaint form. The center manager and Improvement Service will acknowledge receipt within three working days and provide a full response within ten working days after investigating the complaint.

Performance Indicators and Continuous Improvement

Rosa will introduce performance indicators (KPIs) to measure progress against reducing risks identified in complaints. This includes monitoring the use of grievance and whistleblowing procedures and assessing third-party suppliers.

Training and Awareness

To ensure an understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and operations, we provide training to staff responsible for recruitment, procurement, and contract management. We also require business partners to train their staff and suppliers.

Confidentiality and Data Protection

All complaints are handled confidentially in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. We ensure that personal information is disclosed only as required by statutory authorities.


By adhering to this policy, Rosa aims to create an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected. We believe that fostering such an environment contributes to a more equitable and inclusive society. We welcome your feedback and are committed to resolving complaints promptly to enhance the quality of our service.

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