
Campaigning for housing justice

Urging the Government to Build More Social Housing: A Call to Action

We need to act now.

A home is more than just a shelter; it is a fundamental human right. No one should face homelessness and isolation. Together, we can end homelessness by helping individuals off the streets and guiding them toward stability.

With rents soaring and the cost of living climbing, an increasing number of people are being pushed into homelessness. Some find themselves on the streets, while others endure temporary accommodations unfit for long-term living. The shortage of high-quality, truly affordable housing has driven millions into the costly private rental sector. Consequently, the expense of housing benefits has surged, as more people require assistance to afford rent in private accommodations instead of benefiting from the lower costs associated with social housing.

Currently, 2.44 million people in Britain claim housing benefit, with over a fifth being private renters.

Join us in the fight for housing justice. Over 1 million households are on the waiting list for social homes. We urgently call on the government to invest in a new generation of social housing.

Join our campaign. You can make a difference by writing to your local MP.

Every day, we encounter individuals facing eviction, struggling with mortgage payments, or unsure of how to secure a rental or purchase a home. Research indicates that to resolve the housing crisis, the government needs to build at least 90,000 social homes annually.

The solution is straightforward. Increasing the number of genuinely affordable homes, with rents aligned to local incomes, will reduce homelessness. Between 2012 and 2022, fewer than 300,000 new local authority or housing association homes were built—less than a quarter of the homes constructed 50 years ago.

Housing challenges and price fluctuations are inevitable. Therefore, everyone must be aware of their rights and responsibilities to address this crisis effectively.

Our campaign is dedicated to defending the right to secure, safe homes, fighting for housing justice, preventing homelessness, and supporting people throughout their recovery from homelessness. We aim to take decisive action to deliver better outcomes for those in need.

Your voice is powerful.

The clock is ticking, and each moment of inaction pushes more families to the edge.

Take action now! Signing a petition takes less than a minute but can lead to lasting changes in the law. Join our campaign or sign our petition using the link below.

500 campaigner have already joined the fight to help stop homelessness

Join them and help us reach our target of 200,000 people in support of a better future

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