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Combating Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in the UK: A Call to Action


In recent years, the issue of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) has garnered significant global attention. In the United Kingdom, efforts to prevent and combat this harmful practice have intensified, but much work remains. This blog will delve into the impact of FGM in the UK and explore data-backed strategies for prevention.

Understanding FGM:

Female Genital Mutilation involves the partial or total removal of the external female genitalia for non-medical reasons. This deeply rooted cultural practice affects millions of girls and women worldwide, often performed without their informed consent and rooted in cultural, social, and gender norms.

In the UK, FGM is illegal and considered a grave human rights violation. However, it remains a concern, primarily affecting girls from communities where the practice is prevalent.

The Impact of FGM:

  • Physical and Psychological Consequences: FGM inflicts severe physical and psychological harm. Immediate complications include severe pain, bleeding, and infection, while long-term consequences can include chronic pain, reproductive health issues, and psychological trauma.
  • Violation of Human Rights: FGM violates women’s and girls’ rights to bodily integrity, health, and freedom from violence, perpetuating gender inequality and discrimination.
  • Hidden Suffering: FGM often occurs within secretive and closed communities, making it challenging to identify victims and provide necessary support.

UK Law and FGM

In the UK, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a criminal offense, and it is illegal to take a British national or permanent resident abroad for the procedure or to assist in such actions. The maximum penalty for performing or facilitating FGM is 14 years in prison. Despite these legal measures, FGM persists due to a lack of awareness, misinformation, and cultural defense.

Legal Provisions in the UK:

  • The Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003: This Act criminalizes all forms of FGM, making it illegal to perform, assist, or arrange for FGM, regardless of location.
  • Mandatory Reporting Duty: The Serious Crime Act 2015 mandates that professionals in health, social care, education, and social services report known cases of FGM in under-18s to the police.
  • FGM Protection Orders: Introduced in 2015, these orders allow courts to protect individuals at risk of FGM or those who have already undergone the procedure.
  • Multi-Agency Guidelines: The UK government has published guidelines to assist agencies in safeguarding potential FGM victims, promoting a coordinated response and ensuring support and protection.

The potential risks of FGM

FGM offers no health benefits and poses severe immediate and long-term risks to women’s physical, mental, and sexual health. The practice is internationally recognized as a human rights violation and an extreme form of gender discrimination.

Health Risks Include:

  • Shock, hemorrhage, and death
  • Wound infections, including tetanus and gangrene, and blood-borne viruses such as HIV and hepatitis
  • Damage to other organs, such as the urethra and bowel
  • Chronic vaginal and pelvic infections
  • Difficulty passing urine and persistent urinary infections
  • Abnormal periods and increased pain
  • Kidney impairment and possible kidney failure
  • Permanent scarring and pain during sex
  • Damage to the reproductive system, including infertility
  • Complications in pregnancy and labor, and newborn deaths
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem

Preventing FGM in the UK:

  • Education and Awareness: Raising awareness about the dangers and illegality of FGM is crucial. This includes educating communities, healthcare professionals, and educators about the signs, risks, and legal consequences.
  • Engaging Communities: Building trust within communities that practice FGM is essential. Collaborating with religious and community leaders to change perceptions and challenge cultural norms is vital.
  • Legal Action: The UK has taken significant legal steps to combat FGM, including criminalizing the act and strengthening the law. Prosecuting those involved sends a strong message that FGM will not be tolerated.
  • Support for Victims: Ensuring that victims have access to medical, psychological, and legal support is essential. Creating safe spaces for survivors to share their experiences can be empowering and healing.

Data on FGM in the UK:

Accurate data is essential for effectively combating FGM. According to recent statistics:

  • The exact prevalence of FGM in the UK is difficult to measure due to its hidden nature, but it is estimated that tens of thousands of girls and women are at risk.
  • Most FGM cases in the UK involve girls under the age of 10.
  • The most affected communities originate from countries where FGM is prevalent, such as Somalia, Egypt, and Sudan.


The fight against Female Genital Mutilation in the UK is ongoing. Through continued efforts in education, community engagement, legal action, and support for victims, progress is being made. It is a collective responsibility to protect the rights and well-being of girls and women. Together, we can work towards eradicating this harmful practice in the UK.

Remember, FGM is a grave violation of human rights, and our commitment to ending it must remain unwavering.

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