
Support Rosas

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Life can sometimes present us with unexpected challenges, and it’s during these times that we realize the power of unity. In the heart of London, we have the opportunity to uplift women, transforming lives for the better.

We’ve all faced struggles in our lives, be it financial difficulties, relationship issues, family problems, or career uncertainties. These are the same hurdles that many women in our community are grappling with today.

Issues like mental health, loneliness, abuse, low self-esteem, unemployment, family troubles, and addiction are not strangers to us. They touch our lives, our families, our friends, our colleagues, and our communities in profound ways.

By standing with Rosa, you’re not just making a donation; you’re making a statement. You’re saying that you care about the women in our community who are battling trauma, that you stand with the children and families facing unimaginable challenges. Your support sends a powerful message to these women – that they are valued, that they matter, and that their community cares for them.

Together, we can build a platform where women can rise, their voices can echo, and their stories can inspire. We can challenge gender disparities, break down stereotypes, and pave the way for a future where no woman has to fight against systems that disregard her unique needs.

Your support can make a world of difference. Let’s join hands and change lives, one woman at a time.

Why Donate?

We are a non-profit organization that works to improve the lives of people in need. We provide advice to communities around the Enfield. But we can’t do it alone. We need your support to continue our mission. Your donation will help us reach more people and create lasting change. Donating is simple – the choice of how much to give is entirely up to you. Remember, every single penny you contribute is deeply valued and appreciated.

A donation of £5 could enable a woman to travel to the centre, providing her with access to essential one-on-one support from a caseworker or to crucial courses, especially when she has no other means of transportation. With £20, you could contribute towards an hour of counselling or an hour of enriching activities in prison for women grappling with mental health issues. A contribution of £50 could provide a woman in crisis – be it homelessness, domestic violence, or poverty – with 90 minutes of support through Rosa’s women-only Drop-in service. And with £100, you could provide a woman who is experiencing domestic or sexual abuse with six weeks of support from a caseworker. This support can empower her to seek practical advice, address past traumas, and build her confidence.

When you stand with Rosa, you are:

Playing an active role in strengthening our community, fostering change for women who have been failed by the system and overlooked by society

Contributing to breaking the cycle of trauma for children, paving the way for a future filled with hope and health.

Encouraging acceptance, fostering understanding, and empowering women to overcome their challenges.

How to Donate:

One-time Donation

Make a one-time donation to support our ongoing programs.

Monthly Donations

Consider becoming a monthly donor to provide continuous support to survivors.

In Honor or Memory

Make a donation in honor of a loved one or in memory of someone special.

Corporate Giving

Partner with us through corporate sponsorships and matching gift programs.


Organise a fundraising event or campaign to raise funds for our cause.

Your Impact:

By donating to Rosas, you join a community of individuals dedicated to helping others. Your contribution provides safety, hope, and a fresh start for survivors. Together, we can create a world where people can escape the clutches of Abuse and poverty to rebuild their lives with strength and dignity. 

Donate Today:

Every contribution, no matter the size, has the power to change lives. Your donation can help take our work to the next level. Join us in the mission to empower and transform lives.

Thank you for your support. Together we can make a difference. 

About your donation

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